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木门、 实木门、 实木复合门、

  • 联系人:邱纪花
  • 电话:86-0512-63722976
  • 手机:15370112681
  • 传真:86-0512-63722263
首页 > 供应产品 > 实木复合面包门
单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 642
发货 浙江湖州市
过期 长期有效
更新 2023-12-02 00:23
详细信息IP属地 广东
产品类别:整套门材质:实木复合开关类型:手动制作工艺:手工特殊用途:面包使用范围:商铺质量等级:合格安全等级:A级抗压强度:1.43水密性:8硬度:1.43摆锤冲击量:30(kJ/㎡)抗风压性能:0.8弯曲弹性模量:5850(Mpa)拉伸屈服强度:62.7(Mpa)门框最大尺寸:2400*1200(cm)门框板材厚度:40(mm)风格:现代颜色:木皮色产地:江苏是否提供加工定制:是是否外贸:是外贸类型:出口All raw material must be treated in natural cultivation for more steady in wood materal quality.木材经过充裕的自然养生,使材质稳定。Drying and degreasing干燥脱脂 After drying and degreasing by five step in 48 hours, raw meaterial water contents are controled balance rate 8%--10% 通过48小时5个步骤的处理,有效将木材的含水量控制在8%-12% 平衡之内。2,Superior perfect  technique in process 卓越,完美的技术加工过程Interlock 指接Interlocking linking ends between Wood materials for promoting materail application and stability.将方料纵长方向手指交错般连接,不仅提高木材的利用率,更增强木材的稳定性。Intergrate spelling集成拼板After piled up in 48hour and  heavy pressure in 2hours , then go into diging and flat plane.指接堆放48小时,经过刨切后,再重压2小时,方可进入后面的冲料,刨切等工序。Filling填充Using 4cm thickness filling plane,for preventing heavy hit and deformed.我们用4cm后的指接板为填充料,大大提高木门的抗冲击度和抗变形能力。Heavy pressure for single plane压实木单板Using 100ton pressurer pressed various plane in 2 minute below 98c.使用100吨压机冷压2两分钟,压机温度不能超过98度。Trimming修边,砂光products Trimed careful in handcraft are more perfected than machine.手工能做到机器无法达到的完美效果。 Inspection 检验  Strict inspection through all process ensures the best quality to you.  严格的检验贯穿产品的整个生产过程。供应复合面包门